VOLUNTEERS are central to the work of Health through Walls!

Thank you to our Volunteers in 2019:

Dr. Irving Waldman of Miami who reads thousands of digital x-rays of prisoners from Haiti...Linda Waldman of Miami who prepares radiology reports...Cathy Lynn May, Florida, who provides accounting and support services...Dr. Juan "Rudy" Nunez, Florida, who provides education to staff and prisoners on hepatitis...Dr. Anne Spaulding, Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, for program evaluation and support...Haley Kehus MPH, Emory, for studying baseline conditions in the TB program for her master's thesis and writing a manuscript for a peer review publication...Shanaika Grandoit MPH, Emory University, for surveys and focus groups on TB adherence...Laura Dirks, Emory University, for data management program of the TB adherence program.

Our volunteer Board of Directors and Officers.

Won't you join us in our work to improve the delivery of health care in Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Congo, Tanzania, Ghana, South Africa, Romania, and other developing countries?

We need the assistance of doctors, nurses, technicians, and laypersons.

We bring volunteer laypersons, doctors, nurses, and other correctional professionals into the prisons of our host countries, first to understand their needs and second to assist meeting those needs. Sometimes our work involves direct patient services, and other times it is centered on conducting needs assessments, technical training, policy review, or resource collection and donations. The volunteers of Health through Walls often travel on their own time and at their own expense.

Want to volunteer? Write to us at

The lifeblood of our work are those who give their time and expertise selflessly in difficult conditions. The work of HtW is carried out primarily by the kindness and good work of volunteers. Often with financial, personal, and emotional sacrifice, including numerous challenges such as language and cultural differences, limited diagnostic and treatment tools, and heartbreak when face-to-face with suffering and injustice, they bring the gifts of their professionalism, compassion, and courage. Our volunteers, who often travel at their own expense, carry the Health through Walls mission to thousands of prisoners and forge a path of change.

Thank you again volunteers for your commitment and active participation in providing health care to prisoners in developing countries. Thank you for acting on your belief that each prisoner is entitled to meaningful health care.

Thank you to the many volunteers who have shared their time and expertise with Health through Walls during our medical missions abroad:

Claude English, RN, MHA - Rest in Peace, Claude.
We will always remember your extraordinary work training Haiti's prisoners to be Peer Educators in the fight against HIV/AIDS and other infectious disease. A true pioneer!

Ken Kavanaugh, RN - Rest in Peace, Ken.
We will never forget your bravery and compassion as you accompanied Health through Walls on our first large-scale medical exam event over a few-day period in 2009 at Haiti's National Penitentiary. Every prisoner you worked with felt respected and cared for.

  • Silvano Altimono, PAC
  • Michoum Alusam
  • Theone Armand, RN
  • Garry Beauzile, MD
  • Joyce Beauzile, DA
  • Dennis Belheumer
  • Eduardo Benito, MD
  • Cheri Bross
  • Micheal Bross, JD
  • Errol Campbell, MD
  • Sharde Chambers
  • Marcus Day, DSc
  • Nirva Derizier, MD
  • Karine Duverger
  • Alisha Echols
  • Jean Fenelon, RN
  • Mary Francis, RN
  • Lane Gerrish, EMT
  • Elizabeth Gondles, PhD
  • Jennifer Harris, RN
  • Nancy Hernadnez
  • Ralph Hippolyte, RT
  • Roger Horne, MPH
  • Eddie Irrizarry, RN
  • Ernesto Lamadrid, MD
  • Freddy Lamellas, MA
  • Evener Liberal, MA
  • Peter Lindland, PAC
  • Ruby Madren-Britton
  • Tracy McKelton, RN
  • Ellen Murray, RN
  • Carmen Nelson
  • Emmanuel Noel, MD
  • Juan Rudy Nunez, MD
  • David Odige
  • Andrene Ried
  • Yolly Roberson, RN
  • Lorenzo Robinson
  • Cristina Ros
  • Pablo Ros, JD
  • Ana Viamonte Ros, MD, MPH
  • Marynez Russian, CCHP
  • Ben Saltzmann
  • Matt Siegler
  • Kenrick Simon
  • Coretha Smith, MS
  • Jeremy Thompson
  • Beatrice Thompson, RN
  • Aiden Varan, MPH, Technical Advisor
  • Elaine Vassell, RN


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